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el jadida in morocco, the former mazagan


El Jadida in Morocco, although relatively unknown, is a city worth visiting. Located on the Atlantic coast, a hundred kilometers from Casablanca, visiting El Jadida can be a part of a trip to Morocco to enjoy the beach and the charm of this small town. Accessible by train, so it is very easy to get there to visit El Jadida. After a brief review of the history of the city initially called Mazagan, I will give you some ideas for visits to El Jadida and share with you some photos of the city taken during ...

invest in stocks or real estate


The vision is still not clear. In the investment world in general, the conflict between investing in stocks or real estate is always present, and is there a coming economic crisis that we will be able to survive or that will obscure the negative effects on the market? investment world: as happened in the past, and if the situation remains as it is Now, what is better, safer and more efficient than investing in real estate or actions?   The strategy of the markets has varied over the years and ...

characteristics of a good property in morocco


Morocco was familiar with the furniture reservation system during the time of French protection, which sought to protect its interests and facilitate the ownership of real estate by foreigners, as the protection authorities launched the real estate reservation law on August 2 1913, and its real estate system, like all countries in South Australia, is considered the birthplace of the achievement system. Real estate, in particular the part related to the in-kind registration system, which was known ...

the service residence: a not so quiet investment


Originally, furnished rental housing, a predominantly urban park, made it possible to meet a very mobile and rather modest demand, made for example by students and employees on temporary trips, with an offer in search of profitability rental and security in relations with tenants. In this furnished rental market, we are also seeing the development at high speed of a specific segment of the offer, intended for people on very short stays (most often tourists). This offer therefore meets a specific ...

moroccan furniture loan


To purchase housing, many Moroccans turn to mortgages to finance the purchase of real estate. Banks are currently offering attractive offers that encourage future buyers to invest in real estate. Very low rates, postponement, unconditional loans, low monthly payments ... now banks offer very attractive packages according to the needs and the file of each. Unsurprisingly, unpaid bank loans rose 4.2% year on year, according to Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM).   In ten years, mortgage loans have increased ...

the rules of a successful real estate investment


Let's first agree with what the experts talked about a long time ago, that there is no such thing as a failed real estate investment because we have always considered real estate as the option. safest investment, whether short or long term, but there are rules that every real estate investor (individuals or businesses) to consider before making their decision to invest in any of the properties offered. .   Knowledge of the region makes you the strongest investor: Most real estate investing experts ...

  • 84, Boulevard Mohammed V

  • 3ème étage, bureau n°8 - Tanger